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  • Executive Checkup Package

Basic Outpatient

A basic executive check-up is a diagnostic tool for all men and women to get to know their overall health and well-being. It presents you with a complete view of your existing health conditions, with an emphasis on potentially serious complications. Remember, it pays to be pre-emptive—if you procrastinate your check-ups, you might regret it at a later stage! In essence, early diagnosis helps you take preventive care before minor issues become fatal and aggressive. Take the expert advice and avail of the various tests under our executive check-up packages to stay in touch with your body. Curious about these services? Hit us up and let us know how we can help you.

Basic Outpatient ECU Package includes:


  • Routine Urinalysis
  • Routine Fecalysis
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Blood Typing and RH
  • Creatinine
  • ALT (SGPT)
  • Blood Uric Acid (BUA)
  • Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
  • Lipid Profile

Radiology: Chest X-Ray PA (Inclusive of Reader's Fee)

Cardiology: ECG (Inclusive of Reader's Fee)

Other Inclusions:

  • Attending Physician
  • Physical Evaluation/ Recommendation
  • Medical Certificate


To know more about the package, call us at (02) 8913 8380 loc. 362 or connect with us on Messenger https://www.facebook.com/WorldCitiMedicalCenter  

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Male Premium

Our Male premium executive check-up offering aims to help you thoroughly assess your well-being. With extensive diagnostic procedures, this package helps you spot underlying illnesses that can only be detected through complete body check-ups every year. Avail of our check-up package now to get a whole picture of your body's functionalities before potential complications affect you.

Everyone strives for good health but ignores the things needed to maintain it. Start taking better care of your health and get periodic tune-ups with us! Our package includes a routine laboratory examination which covers basic screening, whole abdomen ultrasound and X-ray, and a pulmonary test. Other procedures include cardiovascular procedures, ophthalmology check-up and other tests as required by your physician.

Male Premium ECU Package includes:


  • Routine Urinalysis
  • Routine Fecalysis
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Blood Typing & RH
  • Creatinine
  • Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
  • Lipid Profile
  • Liver Profile


  • Chest X-Ray PA
  • Whole Abdomen Ultrasound


  • 12 Lead ECG
  • 2D Echo Plain
  • Treadmill Stress Test

Pulmonary: PFT Procedure

Ophthalmology: Visual Acuity and Fundoscopy

Other Inclusions:

  • Choice of Private or Deluxe Room
  • Attending Physician
  • Choice of 2 Specialist
  • Medical Certificate


To book your check-up, you may call our Marketing Department at (02) 89138380 local 386 or connect with us on our Official Facebook Page: World Citi Medical Center

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Female Premium

Monitor your overall health to better detect and manage early signs of various diseases! Book your exclusive Female Premium Executive Checkup now and have your health assessed by your choice of consultants.

The Female Premium Executive Checkup includes the following laboratory, radiology, cardiology, pulmonary, and ophthalmology diagnostic services.


  • Routine Urinalysis
  • Routine Fecalysis
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Blood Typing & RH
  • Creatinine
  • Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
  • Uric Acid (Blood)
  • Calcium Ionized
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • HbsAg (Screening)
  • Pap smear
  • Lipid Profile
  • Liver Profile


  • Mammography (Bilateral)
  • Chest X-Ray PA
  • Whole Abdomen Ultrasound


  • 12 Lead ECG
  • 2D Echo Plain
  • Treadmill Stress Test

Pulmonary: PFT Procedure

Ophthalmology: Visual Acuity and Fundoscopy

Other Inclusions:

  • Choice of Private or Deluxe Room
  • Attending Physician
  • Choice of 2 Specialist
  • Medical Certificate


To book your check-up, you may call our Marketing Department at (02) 89138380 local 386 or connect with us on our Offical Facebook Page: World Citi Medical Center

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